Annual Fund

The St. Louis Catholic School Annual Fund was established in 2011 and is an opportunity for stewardship and investment in the long-term mission of the school. Your support, and the support of our community, is crucial in advancing our mission. While school tuition income covers the immediate needs of our students and staffing, it is limited in areas of growth and renovation. Through your gifts of financial support, service and prayer, we can secure the fiscal health of the school for the future.

2024-2025 Campaign: Stand Firm in Faith
Our $95,000 goal will provide necessary funds for capital improvement projects, technology upgrades, and tuition assistance. Through our Annual Fund drive, your gifts of financial support and prayer help to make up the 15% gap in operating expenses that tuition alone does not cover. 
Donate Here to the 2024-2025 Annual Fund:

Your gift to the St. Louis Catholic School Annual Fund may be given at any time. Credit card payments are accepted through the PayPal Giving Fund and FaithDirect. Neither organization charges processing fees for charitable donations, so 100% of your gift is received by the school.

  • PayPal One-time Payments - Tax-deductible monetary contributions may be made through the PayPal Giving Fund as a one-time payment.

  • FaithDirect Recurring Payments - You must set up a secure online account with FaithDirect for this option. Please use the code VA141 for St. Louis Church, and designate "School Annual Fund" to ensure your donation is credited to the Annual Fund. 

  • Via Mail - Mail your gift directly to the school. Please make all checks payable to St. Louis Catholic School and reference the Annual Fund.
    St. Louis Catholic School
    attn: Annual Fund 2024-2025
    2901 Popkins Lane
    Alexandria, VA 22306 

If you are employed by a company which has a Matching Gift Program, you can double or even triple your gift to St. Louis Catholic School. Your Human Resources department or manager will provide you with the necessary forms to send to the school with your gift, or direct you to an online request form. Please submit the appropriate paperwork with your pledge card. The school will verify your donation with your employer to receive the matching gift. Please note, per Diocesan rules, we are unable to accept matching gifts via ACH transfer.

Scan Here to Donate!
St. Louis Catholic School is a
501(c)(3) organization.