
Parents and Guardians, please read the following instructions completely before beginning the PowerSchool Enrollment Update for your child(ren) and keep them at hand as you navigate through the process. Questions may be directed Ms. Phillips, [email protected].
Step 1: Visit arlingtondiocese.powerschool.com (This must be done from a desktop; not a mobile device)
Step 2: Enter your user name and password (This does not change from year to year; if you have forgotten your password, please contact Mrs. Calogero to have it re-set.)
Step 3: In the blue horizontal bar, select the student profile you wish to update. If you have more than 1 child registered in K-8 at St. Louis School, you will need to complete steps 4 - 8 for each student. This update is not for preschool students.
Step 4: In the left Navigation menu, click on "Enrollment"
Step 5: Authenticate your child’s birthday.
Step 6: You will be directed to an Introduction page with an overview of the updating process. (Please note, there is NO payment as noted in step 3 on this page.)
Step 7: Click "Next" to proceed through the Navigation menu on the left side of your screen. Not all information requested is applicable to St. Louis School. In each section, please complete/review/update the following information only:
  • Student:
  1. Student Enrollment information
  2. Home/Residences Information
  3. Mailing Address
  4. Exceptional Education Information - Please select "No" for all 3 questions in this section! If your child has new or changes to existing testing, an IEP or 504, please contact Mrs. Beth Cucinotta, [email protected].
  5. Person Responsible for Tuition/Fees Payment
  6. Ethnicity & Race Report
  7. Home Language Survey
  • Contacts:
  1. Parental & Emergency Contacts. In addition to parent contact information, a minimum of 3 emergency contacts is required for each student. (Note, for each parent, you must check "no" for Emergency Contact)
  • Priority:
  1. Select the order in which your contacts should be called.
  • Medical:
  1. Medical History & Information
  2. Permission for Emergency Care
  3. Required Documents
    DO NOT UPLOAD the Health History Update Form. A hardcopy of this form must be submitted for every student no later than August 1, 2023. This form may be completed by the parent/guardian; it does not require a physician's signature. If your child has received the vaccination for COVID-19, please check the “Other” box on the Health History Update form and provide the vaccination information in the space below, or you may send in a copy of the vaccination card for the nurse to iclude with your child's immunizations. There is no diocesan mandate for your child to receive the COVID-19 vaccination however, knowing who has received it will be helpful in simplifying the contact tracing process and determining mitigation adjustments as needed throughout the school year. 
  • Additional Enrollment Requirements:
  1. Court Ordered Custody Agreement - if you select "yes" you will be required to upload a copy of the agreement
  2. School Specific Additional Requirements - not applicable
  • Agreements:
  1. Student Directory Listing - by selecting "yes" the parent and home contact information in PowerSchool for your family will be included in the directory. This is an "all in" or "all out" choice; it is not customizable.
  2. Media Release - please read your options carefully! Your selection is binding for the 2023-2024 school year.
    1. Image & Audio - By selecting "yes" your child's picture will be included in the yearbook and may be included in school digital and print communications. By selecting "Yearbook Only" your child's picture will only be included in the yearbook and will not be used in school digital and print communications. By selecting "no" your child's picture will not be included in the yearbook or school digital and print communications.
    2. Identity - By selecting "yes" your child's full name will be included in the yearbook and may be included in school digital and print communications. By selecting "Yearbook Only" your child's full name will only be included in the yearbook and will not be used in school and print communications. By selecting "no" your child's full name will not be included in the yearbook or school digital and print communications.
  3. Tuition Contracts - not applicable
  • Diocesan School Student and Parent Agreement:
  1. Please review and accept
  • Signature:
  1. Electronic signature of parent/guardian required
Step 8: The Summary page will indicate which areas are completed or may be missing required information. You will not be able to submit your PowerSchool update until you have all green check marks. Please remember this update must be completed BEFORE your child may begin school at St. Louis.